Sloan & Company

106 Ogden Street
160 Mt. Pleasant Avenue


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Daniel A. Young Sr. - Photo from Meredith Renard & Bob Kennedy

From Newark, The Metropolis of New Jersey, 1901:

Messrs. Sloan & Company, manufacturing jewelers, of 106 Ogden Street, Newark and 23 Maiden Lane, New York City date back to 1860 when John A. Riley started the industry on his individual account.  In 1891 Frank T. Sloan joined John A Riley to form John A. Riley & Sloan Company.  In 1995, John A Riley died and August K. Sloan Purchased the Riley interest and changed the name to Sloan & Company.  The concern employ fifty expert jewelers and manufacture fine gold and silver jewelry, bracelets, brooches, pins, buttons, charms, hair ornaments, buckles, etc., for which they have an expanding trade with the very best retailers throughout the United States and Canada.