Apartment Buildings E

<Date> means it is an approximate date.



From To
The Earl 10 Earl Street <1907> <1915>
Eaton 25 N. Fourteenth Street 1911 <1915>
The Edna 31 N. Fourteenth Street 1912 <1915>
The Edna 275-277 S. Seventh Street 1911 <1915>
Elberon Apartments 1005 Broad Street <1906> <1915>
The Eleanor 330 Seventh Avenue 1912 <1915>
Elinore Apartments 466 - 470 Clinton Avenue <1907> <1915>
The Elliot 701 Summer Avenue 1914 <1915>
The Ellmere 66 Elliott Street 1914 <1915>
The Elmore 64 N. Ninth Street 1913 <1915>
The Elvira 168 Roseville Avenue 1913 <1915>
Elwood Manor 117 Washington Avenue 1913 <1915>
The Elwood 28 Elwood Place 1911 <1915>
Elysian Court 175-177 Woodside Avenue 1914 1914
Elysian Court 181/193 Woodside Avenue 1914 <1915>
Empire 71 Thirteenth Avenue <1906> <1915>
The Essex 2 Broad Street <1908> <1915>
Everett Court 78 Court Street 1908 <1915>