Union National Bank

758/760 Broad Street

214 Market Street


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From: "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

The Second National Bank, The German National Bank and the State Banking Company consolidated into the Union National Bank in August 1902. The bank is located in the very heart of the business centre of Newark at 758/760 Broad Street. An atmosphere of comfort and ease pervades the whole place, as one enters the bank through any one of the two spacious doors from the street; the floor is on a level with the sidewalk - there are no steps to climb to reach the bank - and there is an abundance of room for everybody who can possibly have any legitimate business there.

This is apparent form the statement that the entire banking floor covers a space of 45 by 175 feet, the portion allotted to the public extending entirely across the front and down the one side for fully 100 feet, the remainder of that portion of the building being occupied by the tellers, bookkeepers, et. Bank of this section, but in direct connection with it, are the offices of the president and other officials. The cheerfulness of the whole floor is greatly enhanced by the flood of daylight that is supplied from spacious windows at both the front and rear, and from skylights overhead.

The wall facing the clerks, and along which is the passage for the public, is adorned with large and well executed pictures of the Bank of England, and the Royal Exchange, both in the heart of the City of London, the Paris Bourse, and the United States Treasury Building at Washington, DC. Those pictures furnish a perpetual reminder to the passing throng, and to the clerks behind the counter, that, as each of the great institutions is the centre of its own finance and commerce of America, the pulsations of which are felt in every part of the State and far beyond it.