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Newspaper Articles May 31, 1885 - Lager
Casks and Kegs Christian Feigenspan opened his brewery at 49 Charlton Street in 1875.
He was awarded a silver medal at the Paris Exposition in 1877 for his
export beer. He remained there until 1878 when he moved to 47 Belmont
Avenue. Around this time he started to bottle his beer in blob top bottles. Further information on this brewery and others can be found in the book: History and Directory of Sodas & Beers 1846 - 1905, Featuring Newark, N. J. Bottlers by Warren Rinda. From: "Industries of New Jersey: 1882 C. Feigenspan, Lager Beer Brewery, Freeman Street. — Lager beer, though a German beverage in manufacture, has become now almost the national drink of America and for the last few years its use in all the nations of the world has assumed gigantic proportions, for it is an indisputable fact that it is the most agreeable and cooling of all malt drinks, none being more palatable or better calculated to assuage thirst, with less dangerous or intoxicating effect to the human system, if taken in moderation, from the lightness and purity of its body and quality. The writer is led to this train of argument and reasoning from long travel of this and in foreign countries, where alcoholic and malt drinks of a much stronger quality are the general beverages, which only serve to heat the blood and destroy the senses, nor is it necessary to find evidences in proof of this, for they are far too numerous to admit of contradiction or doubt. In 1875 Mr. Feigenspan founded his present enterprise as a brewer of lager beer, and three years ago moved to his present large and extensive brewery. The building is a three-story brick structure of imposing architectural appearance, having a frontage of one hundred feet on one street with a depth of one hundred and fifteen feet, and a wing of 40x75 feet, and another of 60x100 feet in extent, which gives facilities for the manufacture of lager to meet the in creasing trade. The capacity of the brewery is fifty thousand barrels. Fifty experienced hands are constantly employed in all the departments and seventeen wagons are kept in the delivery of orders. One hundred and twenty-six thousand bushels of malt and seventy-five thousand pounds of hops are used annually in the brewery. The brewery plant is of the best description and consists of coolers and all other utensils in proportion to the capacity of the brewery, the kettle being of two hundred and fifty barrels. The cooling of the lager is an artistical invention of Mr. Feigenspan's and keeps it in the best order for consumption. The trade established is a large one and sales are estimated at $320,000 per annum. An immense export business is done. The quality of the lager made is of the Cincinnati celebrated make. Five thousand barrels of the lager are bottled and shipped all over the United States, South America, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Mr. Feigenspan is a native of Germany and emigrated in 1866 to America, and though yet but a young man he has made one of the most successful trades in his line. He is an active and energetic gentleman and gives his entire time to the general supervision of the business and was the first in Newark to establish an ex port trade in lager beer. In 1878 hr obtained the silver medal at the Paris Exposition. A department has been opened for the supply of families and hotels with expressly bottled lager for their use. In closing this article it would be unjust to Mr. Feigenspan did we omit to remark the perfect cleanliness and sweetness of the entire premises and all the utensils used, which is a matter of the utmost importance in all breweries to keep the drink free from taint or objectionable odor.
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