John Fergg's Brewery

1893-1909: 99-103 Springfield Avenue/165-169 William Street


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From Newark, New Jersey's Greatest Manufacturing Centre, Illustrated 1894:

This brewery which is situated on 99-103 Springfield Avenue and 163-171 William Street is the most successful concern in the city. Having opened the brewery with beer of his own manufacture December 23, 1893, Mr. Fergg has shown his remarkable intelligence in the manufacture of beer, that it can now be found in the finest cafes and saloons in the city. Since Mr. Fergg owned the brewery several additions and considerable improvements have been made and the plant has been fitted up to allow him to sell 15,000 barrels per year. The reason the product of this brewery is demanded everywhere is because it is brewed from the best malt and choice Bohemian hops, not a bit of substitute for either malt or hops being used.

Besides Mr. Fergg's superior lager beer he has a beer called "Johannis Beer," which has formed for itself such a reputation, that it can be found in almost every household. It is especially liked by the American class of people who certainly are, beside the Germans, the best judges of beer. Speaking of the brewery it would probably be interesting if it should be described.

The brew house consists of a fifty barrel kettle with mash tub, hop jack, pump, etc., to complete the outfit. In the fermenting cellars there are thirty sixty-barrels fermenting vats which is more than enough for the capacity of the kettle. The "Rut" cellar contains gigantic casks which holds from one hundred to two hundred barrels. Here is where the beer lies for months during which time the beer gains its age, which as everyone knows is very important. Then there are over fifteen chip casks of seventy barrels capacity. This brewery has a twenty-five ton ice machine, a boiler, air pump and other machinery which are necessary for a brewery.

The office is at 169 William Street. A stock of fine horses are in the stable which by good management is kept clean and healthy. Connected with the brewery is a saloon, which is situated at 102 Springfield Avenue where Mr. Fergg receives his friends, who come in large numbers. Mr. Fergg is a well known New York brewer, but for the last ten years has been connected with Hills Union Brewery Company. His greatness as a brewmaster can be shown when it is proven that from a brewery of 15,000 barrels annual sales he has increased its annual yearly sales to 60,000 barrels in four years.

When the Citizen's Brewing Company appointed receivers, Mr. Fergg at once negotiated to buy the concern, which soon afterward was turned over to him. We all wish and hope that Mr. Fergg make a success in his new enterprise. He was born in Kempten, Bavaria, near the boarder of Switzerland in 1848, and came to this country in 1859. He has been employed in several New York breweries and as brewmaster he can pride himself as having been at the head of the leading New York concerns. He is a very clear minded man who knows a good thing when he sees it. He, being a member of eight singing societies, including Arion and Eintracht, four lodges of different orders besides many other societies, has made himself very popular and certainly possesses many friends. In his son Joseph Fergg who is manager he has a very excellent aid. he is a thorough brewer and has a keen business intellect and carefully supervises the operations and transactions of the firm.