Joseph Hensler Brewing Company

33-73 Hamburg Place


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Newspaper Articles

March 29, 1902 - Joseph Hensler Obituary
February 27, 1910 - A New Ale Brewing Plant for Hensler Company
December 26, 1927 - Fire in Newark Brewery
October 28, 1931 - Links Seized Beer to Jersey Brewery
July 18,1957 - Hensler Brewing Sold
October 20, 1969 - Edward Hensler, 77, Dead


Beer Trays by Trayman

From "Newark, New Jersey's Greatest Manufacturing Centre, Illustrated, 1894"

The brewing of malt beverages has grown to be one of the most important industries in the United States, and this is a most gratifying fact; for nothing is so conducive to temperance and health as the consumption of a first class quality of beer.  Here in Newark and throughout the State, also in New York and elsewhere, the lager beer brewed upon such as extensive scale by the Joseph Hensler Brewing Company is recognized as the standard drink, one of the finest placed upon the market.  So great is the demand for it that the company has had to repeatedly enlarge its facilities. 

The plant is very centrally located on Hamburg Place, Elizabeth and Alyea Streets.  The brewery, malt house, etc., are spacious substantial structures, specially planned by Mr. Hensler, Sr., to embody the results of his vast practical experience, and in every respect forming a model establishment, splendidly equipped throughout with the very latest and best of machinery, including Balanton ice-machines with a capacity of one hundred and five tons of ice a day.  The brew kettles, mash tubs, pumps, cooling and racking apparatus are all of immense size and embrace many improvements.  The ice plant was first put in in 1884, while the present commodious refrigerator house and cellars were erected in 1884.  The storage capacity of the cellars is over 20,000 barrels, and every precaution is taken to secure an even, cool temperature. 

The Hensler lager beer is renowned for being thoroughly aged and ripened before delivery, and it is the true lager beer in ever respect.  The Messrs. Hensler give the closest personal supervision to every detail of the business.  They select their malt and hops with the utmost care; and these, with pure sweet water, form the only ingredients in their famous brew.  It is preferred by all good judges of malt beverages, and as regards delicious flavor, sparkling amber color, and tonic, nutritious properties, has positively no equal in the market.  Its consumption is rapidly increasing.  The present output is about 70,000 barrels per annum, and the company has made provision for the steady increase of sales, the brewery having a capacity of 150,000 barrels per annum.  Fifty hands are employed in the various departments, and twenty two wagons are kept busy delivering the beer and hauling grain.  There are fine large stables, and in fact every possible appliance and requisite for this immense business upon the most efficient basis.  Hensler's lager is found on tap in all the best saloons and hotel bars in town and is the popular favorite.  Its use in families is also steadily enlarging, and it is strongly recommended, being such a wholesome, nutritious beverage, absolutely pure and free from all deleterious ingredients. 

Mr. Joseph Hensler, Sr., is a native of Germany, resident here since boyhood, and is one of Newark's ablest and most progressive businessmen, one who is thorough master of the brewer's art, and has ever maintained the same high standard.  Mr. Hensler is a large real estate owner and a public spirited citizen, who has ever accorded a hearty support to all measures calculated to advance this city's interests.  His sons, Mr. Adolph F. and Joseph Hensler, Jr., are both natives of Newark, popular and practical young businessmen, brought up to the trade of a brewer, thoroughly understanding it in every detail, and giving the concern their sole attention.  Under such able guidance and with such splendid facilities, the Joseph Hensler Brewing Company is certain to permanently maintain the lead in its line, and is in every way the representative brewery in New Jersey.

Unknown source & year:

One of the most extensive breweries in the state is that owned and operated by Mr. Joseph Hensler, which has a capacity of fifty thousand barrels per annum, and consumes about one hundred thousand bushels of malt and a large quantity of hops in its manufacture.  While not the largest brewery in New Jersey, it has always had the reputation of producing beer of a high standard of quality, and the brewings have always stood in great demand with the trade and among consumers.  This brewery was established in 1852 by Lorenz & Jacquilliard.  In 1858 Mr. Hensler became connected with the firm, and in 1866 obtained full possession of the business.  The local trade which was obtained at its inception has ever since been retained, and it is now largely extended throughout New Jersey and New York.  Mr. Hensler has recently enlarged and improved the premises, which has been the means of considerably extending his general trade and increasing his sales, by largely increasing his facilities. 

The proprietor of this establishment is a native of Germany, having been born in the Grand Duchy of Baden, and came here in 1854.  Since his beginning the brewing business in that year he has made many improvements on his buildings, cellars and working materials, having introduced all the modern inventions and facilities for producing and supplying the finest quality of the article to be obtained in the trade.  His establishment is fitted up with every convenience necessary for this purpose; the brewery proper being a brick building five stories high, 100x40 feet, with two brick ice-houses, one four, the other five stories high, and each 40x100 feet; a five story malt-house, with a handsome tower, 50x50 feet, and immense vaults, capable of storing and unlimited supply of stock.  The family residence of the proprietor also adjoins the brewery. 

An engine of 24 horse-power and two boilers of 7- horse-power each, give power to the machinery and supply the heating requirements necessary.  Mr. Hensler has about twenty teams going regularly, and he employs about forty hands in the various departments of the business.  He is a gentleman of large business capacities, and is closely identified with the commercial and municipal prosperity of this city.  Aside from his business, to which he devotes his entire attention, and which he understands both theoretically and practically in all its departments, he is also largely interested in the financial institutions of the city, and is at present a director of the Mechanics' Bank, the German BAnk, the State BAnking Company and the Germania Fire Insurance Company.  He is fully deserving of the success that he has attained and the respect and confidence with which he is regarded in this community.

From - "Newark - The City of Industry" - 1912:

For half a century the name of Hensler has been a familiar one in connection with the brewery business in the city of Newark; as will be seen by a reference to the brewing industry record, this brewery will be found to stand out very prominently as having its full share of the business in manufacturing the mild exhilarating beverage, which will be found upon the tables of the best families in Newark and vicinity. The accompanying illustration (above) shows the plant at Hamburg place, Alyea Street and Hensler Street, from which has gone forth some of the most delicious malt products that ever tickled the palate of the connoisseur.

Joseph Hensler, the founder, who was a thoroughly educated brewer, realized from the very beginning the importance of installing the very best and most modern appliances and machinery that had at that time been invented to manufacture lager beer, as well as other malt liquors. With his practical knowledge of brewing, which comes only from long service and experiments, he has built this vast business from small beginnings to a successful organization. As it stands today, it is among the most complete breweries of the country with a patronage from among the best, who have ever been charmed with the cool effervescing draught, which so pleases the fancy and brings forth the worldwide recommendation of those who know.

The immense vaults, which are kept at a low temperature by the latest improved ice of frost bearing machines are kept full of Lager beer from whence, when in the best stage of its ripened age it is taken forth to dispensers and consumers, in crates, in kegs and in barrels on the immense trucks owned by the company.

This brewer is composed of six buildings that range from two to six stories, has an annual output of almost 200,000 barrels and gives employment to about two hundred workmen, who receive good wages, which adds materially to the industrial growth on Newark, the city of Industry.

The Joseph Hensler Brewing Company is incorporated, with a capital stock of $900,000, and the present owners, sons of the founder, hold the following offices: President, Adolph F. Hensler: vice-president, Richard A. Hensler: secretary and treasurer, Arthur C. Hensler. These gentlemen are all practical brewers. They have the respect and confidence of their fellow men, and are always ready to do their part in any civic movement and fill places of trust with credit to themselves and satisfaction to others. Their influence is also felt in commercial and banking institutions in Newark and vicinity, in whose directorate their names may be found.

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Joe Czachowski writes:

I believe the main reason for the closing of the brewery was a fire. I recall as a child of about 4-5, the day it burned. I don't recall it ever re-opening after that. It was about 1958, so the beer business in the city was on the wane, Ballantine taking its market share leaps, and the smaller ones closing.

Marilyn Russell writes:

My father, Rudolph L. Treusch, worked for Hensler's. I'm not sure of his start date, but my mother worked there also as a secretary. That's where they met and they married in 1941. My father was the office manager and eventually became the Assistant Treasurer of the corporation. So he was there for quite a while. Hensler's was sold to one of the larger brewing companies at or about 1956 or 1957 and was assimilated into that company. I don't remember which one as I was in grade school at the time. Shortly after the takeover, the employees of Hensler's were let go and Hensler's was phased out.