William Wirtz Bottlers

Mulberry & Mechanic Streets
2nd - 25 William Street
3rd - 288/290 Washington Street
4th - 130/134 Union Street


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From "Newark, Handsomely Illustrated, 1894"

An important adjunct to the extensive brewing trade of the City of Newark is the bottling of beer and other malt liquors.  In this connection we desire to refer particularly to Mr. William Wirtz, the widely known and reliable wholesale and retail bottler and exporter of domestic, western and imported beers, ales and porter, whose offices and bottling works are centrally located at 130 to 134 Union Street. 

This flourishing and important business was established 23 years ago by Mr. William Wirtz, who has since built up a liberal patronage not only in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and all the Southern States, but he also exports largely to Central and South America, Africa, Australia, Germany, England, Spain and Italy.  The premises occupied comprise a substantial two story brick building 70 x 30 feet in size, built expressly for the business by Mr. Wirtz, the upper floor being devoted to packing and labeling, while the lower floor is utilized for offices, filling, washing, etc.  The capacity of the ice box is four hundred one half barrels, and has a capacity of eighteen tons of ice. 

The greatest cleanliness is insisted on in this establishment, and all bottling is performed by the latest improved machinery.  Mr. Wirtz makes a specialty of the export trade.  He also bottles largely the famous beers of the Anheuser-Busch Company, St. Louis, and bottles largely of the best brands of imported German beers, as Kaiser, Pilsner, Coburger, Wurzburger and Culmbacher.  Only beer in the finest condition is bottled and Mr. Wirtz's brands of the celebrated champagne and export select are general favorites being preferred by thousands, owing to their purity flavor and superior quality.  Orders are filled with the greatest of care and dispatch  Special care taken with all shipping orders in cases of three to five dozen or barrels of ten to twelve dozen. 

Mr. Wirtz was born it Trier, Germany, but has resided in Newark for the last twenty six years.  he has always been engaged in the bottling business, and is highly regarded in trade circles for his business energy and strict integrity.  The business was first started at corner Mulberry and Mechanic Streets, and then at 25 William Street.  Then it was moved to 288 and 290 Washington Street, and eventually, December, 1893, to his new building 130, 132 & 134 Washington Street.