L. S. Plaut (the Bee-Hive)

1871-<1878>: 683 Broad Street
<1881>-1923: 711/721 Broad Street

Founded 1870
Bought by Sebastian Kresge in 1923


Do you have a photo of this Building?
If so please email me.


Newspaper Articles:

April 29, 1900 - Thirty Years Old
1919 - Plaut Merchandise Plane Carries Mail

Inaugurated the first regular aerial "store to customer" delivery service in the county on May 25, 1919 between Newark & Asbury Park.

From "The Enduring Community" by William B. Helmreich:

The Plaut family, founded the department store in 1870. It pioneered worker benefits, becoming one of the first to set up a mutual benefit program for store employees. In 1923 the store was sold to S. S. Kresge for $17,000,000.

From Newark The City of Industry 1912: