Schott, Charles


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Charles Schott began his business in 1887.

Funeral Director From To Address
Schott, Charles 1887 1888 12 West Street
Schott, Charles 1889 1891 296 Orange Street
Schott, Charles 1892 1902 264 Orange Street
Schott, Charles 1903 1939 289 Orange Street

From: Newark Handsomely Illustrated 1894
The Consolidated Illustrating Co.

A prominent undertaker and embalmer in this city is Mr. Charles Schott, of No. 262 Orange Street, between Nesbitt and Newark Streets. Mr. Schott engaged in this business seven years ago and has always maintained the highest of reputations as a proficient funeral director and skilled embalmer. His office and warerooms are nicely fitted up and well appointed, and he constantly keeps on hand a fine assortment of coffins and caskets of all kinds, from the plainest and cheapest to the richest, most elaborate and costly. Hearses are always in readiness, and Mr. Schott also keeps all the minor requisites for funeral occasions. He is prepared to do embalming and to assume the whole direction of funerals, furnishing everything needful, even to the selection of cemetery lots or graves if desired. Mr. Schott gives his attention personally to every branch of the business, and makes a specialty of providing fine coaches for weddings, receptions, and kindred occasions, apart from the equipment of the cortege of the deceased. The office is open day and night, and all orders receive prompt attention.