A. W. Faber

41 Dickerson Street c. Hecker Street


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From: Newark, the City of Industry 1912

There is probably no business enterprise in Newark which has been in operation so many consecutive years and which is so generally known throughout the civilized world as that of A. W. Faber. While practically everybody associates the name Faber with a lead pencil, there are comparatively few persons who think of this produce as an output of a factory located in Newark.

The headquarters of the A. W. Faber business is at Stein, near Nuremberg, Germany. The enterprise was founded one hundred and fifty-one years ago. The present owner is Count Alexander Von Faber Castell, and his wife, Countess Ottilie. Their American representative is Henry Fera, Jr., who has his offices in the Newark plant and makes his home in East Orange.

He is a member of the Newark Board of Trade and a gentleman of prominence helping in every civic movement.

Agencies of this concern have been established in all the larger cities of the world and a staff of eight traveling salesmen look after the interests of the business in the United States. The Newark plant and general offices are at the corner of Dickerson and Hecker Streets, where the company owns a four-story building of modern construction and employs 100 persons. The products of the house are pencils, rubber bands, erasers, pen holders, rulers, etc., and the Newark branch is the rubber department of the European house, manufacturing rubber bands, erasers and other stationers' rubber goods as well as being the distributing center for all their various lines in the United States.


On September 24, 1918 the plant of A. W. Faber Pencil Co. was sold by Public Auction by order of A. Mitchel Palmer, Alien Property Custodian. The plant was valued at $225,000 and was sold for $145,000.