Central Railroad of New Jersey

1881 - 1916: 1st 836 Broad Street
1919 - <?>: 2nd 836 Broad Street

72 Ferry Street: before 1881-after 1940
350 Ferry Street: before 1881-after 1940


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Newspaper Articles

1871 - Train Wreck at Brill's Farm Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
September 29, 1901 - Track Elevation
November 17, 1901 - How the Work on the Central Railroad Track Elevation Progresses
May 6, 1906 - Preparing Massive Foundations for Warehouse of Central Railroad at Mechanic and Lawrence Streets
December 17, 1905 - Man Ground to Pieces on Central's Tracks
November 25, 1906 - Scores Central Railroad
April 5, 1909 - Two Hurt in Freight Smash-Up
November 6, 1910 - Central Railroad Files Plans for $25,000 Station at East Ferry Street


The Last Days of the Central Railroad Terminal by Andrew Szymanski

The railroad raised the tracks starting in 1901.

The building pictured above is the second station building. The original station was torn down ~1914 to make way for this one. Permits were issued in December 1916 to start building. Cost - $650,000.00