Newark City Subway

Opened 1935


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Newark City Subway Scenes with PCC Cars-1999

Photos and Essay from The Canteen web site

Newark's WPA Tile Murals: “Fine Art is an Important Part of Everyday Life”

North Jersey Electric Railway Historical Society
(Currently restoring Public Service Trolley Car 2651)

Built in 1935, the Newark City Subway and above ground trolley service, once had 42 routes carrying 2,000 trolleys and 2 million passengers a day. Today only one route remains, originating at Pennsylvania Station and following the path of the old Morris Canal. Currently this route carries 18,000 passengers per day.

From Streetcars of New Jersey: Metropolitan Northeast

City Subway (7) began at Broad Street station in the Newark City Subway (which was extended east to Pennsylvania RR Station, Newark City Subway on June 20, 1937), exits the Warren Street portal, follows the canal bed of the Morris Canal along the western boundary of Branch Brook Park to end at the Franklin Avenue Loop, Newark.  The length of the line is 4.194 miles outbound, 4.146 miles inbound.  Headways currently are 8 minutes with a running time of 12 minutes.  The first day was May 26, 1935, and the line is the last surviving trolley line in New Jersey.