Ferry Street & Hamburgh Place Ry


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From Streetcars of New Jersey: Metropolitan Northeast

The Ferry Street & Hamburgh Place Ry was chartered on April 26, 1880, with John Radel as president.  It took over the Hamburgh Place Horse Car RR and added 1.5 miles of road from the Pennsylvania RR Station on Market Street and Ferry Street to Hamburgh Place joining the older Hamburgh Place Horse Car RR line.  The new line continued down Ferry Street to end at the Plank Road.

The Newark & South Orange Horse Car RR was consolidated with the Ferry Street & Hamburgh Place Ry on April 12, 1892, as the Newark & South Orange Ry with John Radel as president.  The lines were combined.  The route began at Ferry Street and went via Market Street and South Orange Avenue to South Orange.  The route was eight miles in length.  The Newark & South Orange Ry was entered upon by the North Jersey Street Ry on June 10, 1898 and was merged into the Public Service Ry on October 2, 1907.