Last additions - Eateries/Saloons/Lounges
1570 viewsApr 02, 2007
1403 viewsApr 02, 2007
1573 viewsApr 02, 2007
1672 viewsMar 06, 2007
1503 viewsMar 06, 2007
2014 viewsMar 06, 2007
2022 viewsMar 06, 2007
919 viewsMar 06, 2007
1036 viewsMar 06, 2007
1181 viewsMar 06, 2007
1208 viewsMar 06, 2007
1287 viewsMar 06, 2007
1260 viewsMar 06, 2007
1038 viewsMar 06, 2007
833 viewsMar 06, 2007
1396 viewsMar 06, 2007
886 viewsMar 06, 2007
843 viewsMar 06, 2007
1458 viewsMar 06, 2007
1036 viewsMar 06, 2007
1185 viewsMar 06, 2007
1196 viewsMar 06, 2007
935 viewsMar 06, 2007
1465 viewsMar 06, 2007
976 viewsMar 06, 2007
1045 viewsMar 06, 2007
1163 viewsMar 06, 2007
1451 viewsMar 06, 2007
1353 viewsMar 06, 2007
977 viewsMar 06, 2007
1079 viewsMar 01, 2007
1643 viewsI found that someone with the same name as his great-grandfather, an Alois Holle, had a "saloon" on 201 NJRR Avenue in 1891. My Dad passed away this past December, and as I was putting his things in order, I came across a very old family album belonging to Dad's grandmother. One faded picture from the late 1800's shows a family group posed in front of what seems to be a tavern or restaurant. The photo has nothing written on it to identify it. A sign in front of the establishment advertises "F.J. Kastner Lager Beer." The photo was taken by "S. Marksville professional photographers" in New York. It says they specialize in "architectural, mechanical and landscape photography," with "special rates given to the mercantile trade". As I looked at some of your old maps, I could see that NJRR Avenue was close to some of my ancestors' addresses (Howard St., Spruce St., and St. Mary's Parish in Newark Abbey). Almost every other photo in the collection is from a Newark photographer. Do you have any suggestions for helping me identify this photo? Feb 28, 2007
Teddy's Tavern mid 1970s1379 viewsNov 04, 2006
1690 viewsJul 10, 2006
2744 viewsJul 10, 2006
1720 viewsJul 10, 2006
Brill Street Bar1737 viewsDoes anyone know the name of this bar and the men in the picture?Jul 10, 2006
Brill Street Bar1713 viewsDoes anyone know the name of this bar and the men in the picture?Jul 10, 2006
1426 viewsJul 09, 2006
1619 viewsJul 07, 2006
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