Weigand & Doerzbacher

62 & 64 Marshall Street (1900
54 Morris Ave. (1922 - ?)


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From "Newark, the Metropolis of New Jersey. at the Dawn of the 20th Century":

Messrs. Weigand & Doerzbacher, manufacturers of bookbinders, pocket book and bag leathers in all fancy colors at Nos. 62 & 64 Marshall Street, are one of the most progressive and successful firms in Newark. Messrs. Robert R. Weigand and Peter A. Doerzbacher, both born and educated in this city and both young men of ambitious energy, business ability and nineteenth century pluck, commenced this business on their joint account in August, 1881. Both were then quite young, Mr. Weigand not being of legal age, and their start in Pierson Street was on a small scale with only two men and a boy to assist them. Today they occupy two floors each 22 x 100 feet in area and a frame extension in which they do their dyeing. Their equipment is complete and they turn out a weekly output of six hundred finished hides, which are sold in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and other cities. They have built up a steady trade which completely exhausts their capacity and are about to erect a considerable addition to their plant. This will be finished in the very near future and with a force of upwards of twenty-fie hands they will be able to supply increased demands.